Is Architecture Art?

Architecture has a close relationship with the art world. Still, is architecture considered a form of art? To answer this qu ...

How Working With an Architect Will Save You Money

Building projects are complicated and a big commitment. An architect is the one professional who has the education, experien ...

The Difference Between an Architect and Interior Designer

The difference between architects and interior designers is that architects build structures from scratch. Interior designer ...

The Psychological Impact of Interior Design

What is interior design? How is it different from interior decorating? Both disciplines work together to create functional a ...

Top 5 Benefits of Sustainable Architecture

The basis of sustainable architecture is designing buildings that limit construction and operation processes’ adverse impa ...

Slow Architecture: An Expansion of the Slow Movement

Today’s world is fast-paced. Work and personal life are often rushed and mashed together, which makes slowing down not eas ...

How to Achieve Sustainability in Architecture

Sustainable architecture refers to buildings designed to limit humanity’s use of resources. This eco-friendly approach is ...

Top 5 Reasons to Hire an Architect

Many perks come when working with an architectural firm.  You’ll have access to expert, in-house architectural designers, ...

AI Is Changing the Future of Architecture

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer system that simulates reasoning, learns from experiences, and problem-solves. Thi ...

How Much Does an Architect Cost?

Do you want to build a custom home? Perhaps you have plans to renovate your home that entail a complex addition or extensive ...

8 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Architect

Choosing your architect is an important decision. After all, this person will listen to you, be an invaluable problem solver ...

Working With an Architect: Phase Four

This third and final installment of our series, “Working With an Architect,” will describe how we approach phase four, c ...