Featured in Summer issue, Outdoor Living, St. Louis At Home Magazine
Please look at the feature article, “Anatomy of an Outdoor Space: Sometimes a house’s most-loved room stands wide open to the elements.” It begins on page 46, of Summer 2013, Outdoor Living, St. Louis At Home Magazine. When we designed the home and outdoor spaces for the Hopsons, whose home is in Ladue, our goal was to “recreate the atmosphere of Aspen, Colorado, where they first met.”
Actually, the outdoor space is an extension of the interior. “The pickled wood finish of the beams and frame is repeated in the woodwork throughout the house. The fireplace, which Hopson considers the space’s key element, is double-sided. The outdoor grill is set in the middle of the action. The pool, however, is the focal point – to the point that it is never put under cover.”
For more please turn to page 46, and start reading! The client has wonderful and funky taste – Courtney is the owner of CODI, with two stores in Saint Louis MO. Her husband, Mike, is one of the owners of PURUS Vodka, a great Saint Louis organization!